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Race to the Top Meeting Notes

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Below is a recap of our Race to the Top meetings.


April 17, 2013
12:00 PM

Items of Interest:

  • Bob Grimshaw reported that he is now OTES credentialed.
  • Bob Grimshaw reported on the BASA Superintendent Regional Meeting at the Hamilton Co. ESC of April 12th.  Superintendent Dick Ross had a presentation, as well as two security firms. Items covered included the coming changes in Common Core. One question was the number of end-of-course and end-of year-exams that will be required. There will be quality points required for graduation based on the five point scale, but the number of points to be required has not been determined. Another was whether these tests would be available when a student finishes a course, rather than during a specific time period at the end of a school year. ODE is looking into how to make these available when a student finishes a course.
  • Bob reviewed the revised HB59 budget concerning schools. Both the Governor’s version and this revised House version would mean a slight increase in State funding for FDA.
  • Bob, Matt Shoemaker, and Erik Tritsch attended the Connecting the Dots Conference on March 22nd. Many interesting sessions were held; staff attended different ones to give FDA more coverage at this event. The purpose of the conference was to give schools a deeper understanding of Ohio’s educational reforms.

RttT Transition Team items:

  • At the Southwest Ohio Regional RttT meeting held at the Mandalay Center on April 17th, areas A-D of the Scope of Work had a number of SW Ohio schools do presentations on what they have been doing in these areas. As a team, we reviewed our Year Three SOW and went over our Year Four SOW. We will post our SOW with our Year Four revision as needed, as well as our Year Four Budget, our Year Four Professional Development Plan, and our Curriculum Revision to the Collaboration Center on the ODE website. 
  • Bob asked when we can expect the IIS commitment form to be available and received the answer, “soon.” No specific date was mentioned, other than the form was to completed and posted by schools by May 14, 2013. We will sign up for our two positions at the IIS regional lab training.


  • We reviewed the updated approved Vendor Assessments and were glad to hear that ODE is close to completion of an agreement with NWOA that would give schools a large bank of assessments. This will help us in the area of social studies assessment.
  • We will send some staff to the Student Growth Measures training this fall.
  • We were selected to be part of the iLearnOhio pilot. Erik is attending the required meeting for this. iLearn is to be the State repository for online courses that will be available to all public schools in Ohio.




December 16, 2011


  • My Voice grant and next steps – April Harning
  • OGT fall results — Erik Tritsch
  • Scholastic’s Performance series for math assessment – Erik


Our Targets:

  • A least 50% decrease in limited scoring on OGTs — all students that did not pass one or more of the fall OGTs will be placed in OGT prep classes for those subjects.
  • Reading and math formative assessments in place and given at least twice with results given to Accountability Coaches to assist their students in course selections and career planning by January 15th. ACs will receive PD on how to administer these the first week in January.
  • Methods in place to track graduatews by the end of 2013. Need ODE’s help with this — will IIS help in this?
  • At least 80% daily attendance rate in FIRST classes.
  • At least a 20% increase of 11th and 12th graders graduating from FAST.
  • At least a 25% increase in classes completed by our Special Education students.
  • January 18th graduation
  • Enrollment of students in NovaNet — biology and geometry
  • At least a 90 PI for this year

Staff did a great job in getting students to the fall OGTs. Results were mixed. We have a bit of work to do assisting our students in social studies and science.

Next meeting: January 16, 4:00 p.m.


November 16, 2011


  • Interpreting our data: the good, bad, and ugly – Bob Grimshaw
  • RttT, one down, three to grow report – Bob Grimshaw
  • OSBA report – Bob
  • Community School meeting report – Bob
  • My Voice student and parent evaluations – April
  • OGT report – Erik
  • Scholastic’s Performance series for math assessment – Erik


Our Targets:

  • At least 50% decrease iin limited scoring on OGTs — Will not know fall results until mid-December and we will evaluate the results to determine how we will address spring OGTs.
  • Reading and math formative assessments in place and given at least twice with results given to ACs to assist their students in course selections and career planning by January 15.
  • Methods in place to track graduates by end of 2013. – Need ODE’s help with this. Will IIS help in this?
  • At least 80% daily attendance rate in FIRST classes. What is our current attendance rate? Do we need more steps to improve it? – Joyce, April, Erik
  • At least a 20% increase in graduates from FAST. How many have graduated so far this year? Erik
  • At least a 25% increase in classes completed by our Special Education students. How many classes have been completed by our FIRST special needs students so far? Erik
  • January 18 graduation – diplomas, invitations, estimate of numbers – Erik
  • Enrollment of students in NovaNet – biology and geometry – Erik, April, Joyce
  • At least a 90 PI for this year – all staff.

October 19, 2011


  • PD Plan – April Harning
  • Strategic Compensation – Bob Grimshaw
  • High School-Higher Education Alignment Project, April and Bob
  • OHSVA meeting – value-added information, Bob
  • My Voice AC’s student and parent evaluations, April
  • Preparing for fall OGTs – huge number of new student; largest OGT testing we will have done. Erik, April, Joyce
  • Purchase of Scholastic’s Performance Series for math assessment and PD plans, Erik and April


Our Targets:

  • At least 50% decrease in limited scoring on OGTs – will not know fall results till mid-December and we will evaluate the results.
  • Reading and math formative assessments in place and given at least twice, with results given to ACs to assist their students in course selections and career planning. Most DORAs have been given – April. Just purchased math assessment tool and need to do PD and implement as soon as possible – Erik and April.
  • Methods in place to track graduates. Need ODE’s help with this — Will IIS help in this?
  • At least 80% daily attendance rate in FIRST classes. What does our current attendance look like? Is there a need for steps for improvement? Joyce, April
  • At least a 20% increase in graduates from FAST. Need to know how many FAST students graduated last year to have baseline — Erik and April
  • At least a 25% increase in classes completed by our Special Eduction students. Need to know how many classes on average were completed by special education students last year – Erik

September 20, 2011

Regional Specialist: Nathan Warner


  • PD Plan – April Harning
  • Special Education courseware design – Erik Tritsch
  • Strategic Compensation – Bob Grimshaw


Discussion Topics:

  • Ohio’s RttT Conference – “One Down 3 to Grow,” November 1, Columbus
  • How to get value-added information (OAA results) about our students
  • Designing AC student and parent evaluations
  • Fall OGTs – test materials ready, student attendance


Our Targets:

  • At least 50% decrease in limited scoring on OGTs
  • Reading and math formative assessments in place and given at least three times, with results given to ACs to assist their students in course selections and career planning
  • Methods in place to track graduates
  • At least 80% daily attendance rate in FIRST classes
  • At least a 20% increase in graduates from FAST
  • At least a 25% increase in classes completed by our Special Education students


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