4th Quarter Newsletter 17-18
Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s),
The 2017-2018 school year has passed, and we are excited about the progress of our students. Included with this letter is a copy of your student’s 4thquarter progress report. Each student should have completed a minimum of twelve classes to be on track.
A great way to check your student’s progress is to see how many mastery tests they have completed every school day. Here is how to check their progress online:
- Go to http://fair4896-fairborn-ccl.gradpoint.com
- Enter your student’s username@fairborndigital.oh and password.
- On main screen click on the first subject listed for the student.
- Click on Grades.
- All completed lessons will be displayed with scores.
- If you would like to see lessons, click view. The table of contents will be displayed on the left of the screen.
- In the Activity link, you can check how long the student worked in each course per day.
Every student is expected to complete a minimum of six hours of work per day, Monday through Friday, for a total of 30 hours of work per week. Each lesson should take approximately one hour, therefore, students should be completing a minimum of 30 lessons each week. Students not completing the required 30 hours per week may be required to come into the building until they demonstrate their ability to work from home.
FDA held its winter graduation ceremony with 7 graduates. We will have our second ceremony on June 14th with another 35 graduates. The FDA board will continue to approve graduates at each board meeting. Those students who participated in the January event had very positive things to say about the experience. Check out the pictures of the event on our FaceBook page.
Spring OGT results are included with this letter. We will have retakes the week of June 11th for those students who are seniors and who will complete graduation requirements before fall testing. We will not be doing any make up testing, so please make sure your schedule is clear if you want to test this summer. Also, if you plan on testing, make sure you have contacted our office and are working with your coach to complete intervention course work.
If you have not already done so, please make sure you return your student’s computer to us as soon as possible. We are running updates on the machines and need to have them all returned so we can have them ready for next school year.
The Ohio Department of Education mandates all Drop-Out Recovery Schools, including FDA, administer the NWEA MAP test to all of its students. These tests are the way we track academic growth and are one of the determining factors on our school grade card. We will have students complete these tests again next year at the beginning and ending of the school year. The data will help decide which classes and lessons students need to complete. If you would like to discuss the student’s MAP results, please schedule a meeting.
FDA is offering summer school again this year. The price is $80.00 per course (0.5 credits) for FDA students. For non-FDA students, the price is $120.00 per course (0.5 credits). This includes the courseware only. Separate charges will be necessary for equipment, internet, and tutoring. You may contact our office if you have questions about summer school.
Once again, we will be holding an Algebra II class beginning in August for students who are ready for that credit. Through past experience, we have found that students have a very hard time completing this course without the assistance of a coach working closely with the student. Our Algebra II class consists of a group of students coming to the building once a week to work together as a small group with an accountability coach to complete the coursework. Each semester, we will lead a class through the entire year (A & B sections) of Algebra II. If your student is going to need Algebra II next year, please speak to their coach about this class.
The official start of the 2018-2019 school year will occur on July 9th, 2018. Students have some flexibility in when they begin their schoolwork. Those students participating in the FIRST program will begin the week of August 20 (actual day will vary based on class). We will be contacting everyone around the end of July/beginning of August to let you know when we will be holding enrollment open houses. Please contact the office if you would like to see your student moved from their current program to one of the others.
Any students nearing graduation should meet with Mr. Adams to schedule a time to take the ACT, and for assistance completing college applications and other paperwork necessary for life after high school.
Please make sure your student is working with Mr. Adams to complete their online education and career planning tool on the “Ohio Means Jobs” website. The website can be found at http://www.ohiomeansjobs.com. Students should log in under the k-12 students link.
The students have begun working on our gardens, planting both flowers and vegetables. We have already started to harvest some of the vegetables we started in our “greenhouse” this spring. Throughout the summer, if students would like to come over and help care for the gardens, I encourage them to contact us. There will be plenty of maintenance needed to keep them alive and looking beautiful. This will work well with the SNAP-Ed lessons presented this year by the Ohio State Extension. Not only will the students be working on growing their own food, but also learning tasty recipes they can cook at home.
Please do not hesitate to call 879-0511 if you have any questions, concerns, or if there is anything we can do to help your student succeed. Also, please visit our website at https://fairborndigital.us. You may now like us on FaceBook to receive informative updates about our school.
Erik Tritsch
Principal of Fairborn Digital Academy