Time Management for Students
Identify Your Challenges
For students, there is always work to be doing, especially when working independently on assignments. Time management for teens is essential. Every class has different demands, ranging from short homework assignments to writing major papers for a final report. Along with the homework, there may also be a job or other responsibilities. It can become overwhelming as a student to finish all of your assignments on time. Fortunately, there are ways that you can complete everything you need to accomplish on time.
Time management is a valuable tool to learn. It is the way that many students, and professionals, map out what they need to get accomplished and when. For younger students, it is a good thing to practice as their assignments get more and more complex. For older students, it helps to manage the work they need to do in school while working and getting ready for college. As they continue in their careers, managing their time and setting priorities for work will become more and more critical.
Create a Plan
What are the best ways to manage your time? Every person is going to have to find the best method for them, whether it is a pen and notebook or digital reminders on your phone. Whichever way you find works for you, here are a few general tips for implementing as you get your schedule in order.
- Make a schedule – Starting your month, week, or day with a plan will save you time. A schedule gives you the ability to see what needs finishing and when, allowing you to prioritize what you need to do that day. Here are some printables to help you organize your time. Speaking of priorities…
- Prioritize your day – After you have looked over your list, select three or four items that you need to get completed that day. All your efforts for that day should focus on those items. Work that does not help you get to those goals should be put to the side and completed when having it on your daily list.
- Turn off distractions – With all of the technology available to us, it is easy to lose your focus. When working on the internet, studies show we are distracted every forty seconds. That is a lot of time lost while we are working. Turn off as many alerts, alarms, and other issues that take your focus from your work.
- Set goals for each session – When you sit down to write a paper, set a goal for how much research you will do or how many words you will write. Get as many math problems finished as you can. Know your goals, and how much time it takes to achieve them, so you can budget time better in the future.
- Take breaks – Managing your time is not just about schoolwork or jobs. You need time to eat, to sleep, and to take some breaks. While it may sound like the opposite of what you should be doing, studies show that not taking periodic breaks affects how productive you are over time. That includes a lack of sleep and food. The better your body is doing, the better your work will be when finished.
Find What Works for You
These are just a few simple methods for you to improve how you use your time. Through trial and error, you will find the best practices that work for you, and the best times of day to do your work. Over time, you will see how much more productive you are and how much time just a few simple steps can give you to complete more work or to take a little break. You have earned it!