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Q2 Newsletter 2003

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January 9, 2023

Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s),

We have concluded our first semester and are excited about the progress of our students!  Included in this letter is a copy of your student’s second quarter progress report.  Your student should, by now, have completed a minimum of six classes to be on track.  You are able to see courses completed on the front page of their progress report.  Students who have not met their progress goals will be required to meet with our guidance counselor and their Accountability Coach.  Parents also need to attend this meeting where we will discuss what may be keeping the student from meeting his/her goals and figure out how to overcome those obstacles.

A great way to check your student’s progress is to see how many quizzes/tests they have completed every school day. Every student is to complete 6 hours of work per weekday, for a total of 30 hours of work each week. Each lesson should take approximately 1 hour, which totals a minimum of 30 lessons per week.

Our Winter Graduation will be celebrated January 26th at 6 p.m. We are excited to continue to hold graduation at Wright State University in the Student Union’s Apollo Room. Fairborn Digital is pleased to announce we will be graduating around 10 students for the first semester.  It is our hope to have an even larger number for the Spring Graduation on June 22nd.  If your student is near completion of graduation requirements, please contact their coach  to see what we can do to make that last big push to completion.  Remember, students are still able to complete their schoolwork and meet all graduation requirements on their own schedule.  We approve graduates at each monthly board meeting, but hold ceremonies only twice a year.

Fairborn Digital Academy is excited to announce we have hired a new guidance counselor, Melisaa Gillis. Ms. Gillis will begin in the middle of January. Fairborn Digital Academy is excited to have her join our team and help our students succeed. 

Please make sure your student is working  to complete their online education and career planning tool on the “Ohio Means Jobs” website.  The website can be found at  Students should log in under the k-12 students link. Fairborn Digital has also partnered with Ohio Means Jobs out of Greene County.  This is an excellent opportunity to work with this agency to explore post-graduation pathways and career opportunities. Please reach out to Ms. Gillis for more information.

Fairborn Digital Academy is currently working to determine what the CCP open house will look like for the Spring of 2023. Please reach out to our guidance counselor if you have interest in completing College Credit Plus in the 2023-2024 school year, so we can discuss options.

This year Juniors will be taking the ACT from February 28th through March 2nd as one of the pathways to graduation.  FDA students will take the test online.  We will contact the students to schedule a time to be at the building to take the test.

Any Seniors who are nearing graduation should schedule a meeting with Ms. Gillis to take the ACT, as well as get assistance in completing college applications and other paperwork necessary for life after high school. Fairborn Digital Academy will pay for students to take the ACT one time. 

End-of-course tests will be given in English IB, English IIB, Algebra, Geometry, Biology, US History, and Government from April 11, 2023 to April 28, 2023. During testing, the building will be closed for tutoring. Students and families should begin making plans for appropriate arrangements to have their student present for the tests they are mandated by the state of Ohio to complete. 

Fairborn Digital Academy has been actively administering the STAR Reading and Math assessments. Students who have completed the fall assessment will be contacted approximately 13 weeks after the initial assessment to complete a follow up assessment. Look for communication from your coaches for scheduling times. 

Included with this letter is a separate page listing any fines owed due to missing, or damaged equipment.  These fines must be paid to get any new equipment.  Also included is a letter telling you if we are missing any of the required enrollment paperwork.  Please make sure you have turned in all of this paperwork to the office.  This is paperwork the state requires the school to have in the student record.

Fairborn Digital Academy is using ParentSquare for schoolwide and classroom communication. Please make sure you have signed up and that your email address is current.

Please do not hesitate to call 937-879-0511 if you have any questions, concerns, or if there is anything we can do to help your student succeed.  Also, please visit our website at  You may like us on Facebook to receive updates about our school.


Jessica Biggers

Principal of Fairborn Digital Academy

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